To create a study plan for exploring the best gold literature, paintings, music, and accomplishments from every single country, you can follow these steps: By following this study plan, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the best gold literature, paintings, music, and accomplishments from various countries and periods.
I’m gonna give you The Big Enchilada now.
Make up a list of authors. Let’s say you wanna demolish Communism. You won’t have to read the authors. You’ll pick a list that contains Marxists and the best Anti-Marxists, to gain deep thorough knowledge of the subject. Example: >Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Lukács, Gramsci, Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Leszek Kolakowski, James H. Billington, […]
William Blake Primer Guide Notes
0. Frye, Fearful Symmetry or The Great Code or any essays on Blake 1.songs of innocence/experience 2. the marriage of heaven and hell 3.milton 4.prophetic works Songs of Innocence/Experience are very deep poems and can each be read on several levels. These may be read again and again. Simple diddies are pretty intense, if the […]
Make a list of your ideal partner
Cross out the title, put YOUR NAME.
Andreus Dienach
Coffee sucks but the girls are pretty
Coffee sucks but the girls are pretty Who the hell is Andreini?
I am not thoughts
I am not thoughts I am not thoughts I am not thoughts I am not thoughts I am not thoughts I am not thoughts I am not thoughts You had a thought And people think their first thought Is who they are That was just the thought I was conditioned to think -=-=-=-=—==-=-=—==-=-=—=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=—==-=—==—==-=-=-=-=-=—=-=-=-=
Grandma would slap the shit out of me for that one
But you know what? granny is almost dead And im almost full of regret Grandma didn’t think a woman could be president In the height of my indoctrination So I didn’t as much as I should And know we know Mike Obama is our vote Don’t hold it against Lest its held against y’all Money […]