Peace your speak, let not your passions remain. Send forth swiftly.
(Freewrite with raven) Peace your speak, let not your passions remain, send forth swiftly. Let the passions fade away into a deep void of blue, you under the ice and over world affairs and women and lust. You used your passion as leverage, hoisting you up the holy mountain. And again you used the weight […]
8 Days Sober into the 75 hard hippy
We pray for the 365 hard hippy! Be a king! Take the Call! Choose to break your chains! Train! Is there a routine in your past? Let’s hear an example, you stoped swimming so much because you don’t want to use the app two days in advance to reserve a lane. But at the old […]
Making the lights flicker
The end of the bracket chasing, Canceling these bottom feeders How can you delete an account And still get charged? Why is a special task force necessary To allow me a business license? Who can I contact in order to get ahead in life? How do I filter out the liberals How do I filter […]
Fally Sherri
She was alive and dead at the same time the ghost of her past was swimming in her eyes as she woke up each day and take that first step to get through the day. She knew that even though she felt nothing inside she had to follow through the movements, smile and say hi, […]
Jack notes on Rusty Mic
There’s lots of ways you can follow the spark (Be successful in media) Honestly you need to really focus on it You need to send it Find a way for it to count For it to matter In a way that’s makes sense to other people Find an audience Whatever you do you need to […]
Never forget the trampoline in the backyard
Never forget that bouncing bounces your fat away. If your fat was your problems, if your problems had solutions but no no you’ve been tricked, you’ve been deceived into getting trapped in your head and always going in circles when in the end you forgot that tramp. And the sticks all over the tramp over […]
Government Mind Control/Social Dysgenic Engineering with EMF Waves
>Google the Patents US20180318544A1 – Brainwave Entrainment Method for Altering Specific Parts of the Brain (A61M21/02) WO2020060606A1 – Nano Injectable Electronic Cryptocurrency System using Body Activity Data using Block Chain & Biometric Data (G06Q20/3672) 3,951,134 – Apparatus & Method for Remotely Monitoring & Altering Brain Waves (A61B5/0507) 4,717,343 – Method of Changing/Conditioning a Person’s Conscious/Unconscious […]
Trauma as fuel prayer of Michael
0-0-0–0-0-0-0-0-0-00-0- >Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for […]
Japan Feudal Japan Katsushika Hokusai Joe hiasashi Haruki Murakami Obscure artists: Zazen Boys – Asobi Some obscure Japanese bands with a modern Tokyo cyberpunk music scene vibe include: These bands may not be well-known internationally, but they offer a glimpse into the vibrant and eclectic music scene in Japan, particularly in the modern Tokyo cyberpunk […]